In the footsteps of Alphonse Mucha: Mucha Museum


The Mucha Museum presents the artist’s complete works in seven thematically arranged units. In the first part, called the decorative panneau, you can see how Mucha’s style developed. In the second part, you get acquainted with the posters he created in Paris in the 1890s, for Sarah Bernhardt, among others. The third part deals with Mucha’s decorative designs for jewellery, furniture and other objects of applied art. The fourth section presents his posters for Czech associations such as Sokol and others. The fifth section presents Alphonse Mucha as a painter. Here you can see primarily his oil paintings, which culminated in the famous Slav Epic. The sixth part shows his drawings and pastels, and the final seventh part presents the artist’s life in photographs and personal items.

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