From Bubeneč to Troja


An Idyllic Tree-Lined Stroll Among Villas

A romantic walk that takes you from the immediate vicinity of Prague Castle to the Bubeneč district, a charming, peaceful neighbourhood full of stylish villas and manicured gardens that are today home to embassies and diplomatic residences. You’ll find ornate Art Nouveau villas with folklore motifs, grand period mansions, as well as the lovely Governor's Summer Palace, overlooking Stromovka Park, the oldest and most extensive park in Prague. In the park, you can stroll past ponds or take a break under century-old oaks; then hop onto the ferry to the lush green neighbourhood of Troja, where you have a choice of visiting the Botanical Gardens or the Zoo, or taking a tour of the Baroque Troja Chateau.

more about the place

route description

Route Length: 6 km / 3 miles

1. Chotkovy sady/Gardens (tram) →

 2. Bílek Villa (Bílkova vila)
The villa and studio of renowned Czech Art Nouveau sculptor František Bílek were built according to his own designs in the early 20th century. The façade symbolizes a wheat field and expresses the connection between natural and artistic creation. Inside the villa, you can visit an exhibition featuring the studio’s original furnishings and a selection of Bílek’s Symbolist works.

→ Mickiewiczova St. →

3. Písecká brána/Gate
The gate is part of the former Baroque city fortifications and today serves as a gallery and café. It was right on these former bastions of these fortifications, known as the Marian Wall, that the villas now standing here were built between 1910 and 1914, designed as a British-style “garden city”.

→ Charlotte G. Masaryk Park → K Brusce St. → cross Milady Horákové Avenue → Muchova St. → Pelléova St.

4. Villa Pellé
This Neo-Renaissance building dates to the late 19th century. Its most famous occupant was French General Maurice César Joseph Pellé, who was integral to the formation of the modern Czechoslovak Army (he scrapped the army’s volunteer character and created a regular army with a firm military order.). The villa now serves as a cultural and social centre for exhibitions, concerts, and seminars.

→ Slavíčkova St. → 5 Jan Koula Villa → 6 Sucharda Family Villa → 7 Karel Mašek Villa – Suchardova St. → 8 Sucharda Studio Villa

5. Jan Koula Villa
In a sea of beautiful houses, two adjacent villas — at numbers 15 and 17 — stand out. The villa of builder Jan Koula combines Historicism with elements of folk architecture.

6. Sucharda Family Villa
The second villa — whose facade is decorated with figural frescoes by noted Czech painter Mikoláš Aleš — was the home of the Sucharda family of visual artists.

7. Karel Mašek Villa
Across the street at No. 7 stands the villa of Art Nouveau artist and architect Karel Mašek. It’s stylistically similar to that of Jan Koula, but even more ornate. Of special significance are the painting and modelling of the columns.

8. Sucharda Studio Villa
The villa and studio of sculptor Stanislav Sucharda (No. 6 – The Stanislav Sucharda Museum) are the work of the founder of Czech Modernism in architecture Jan Kotěra and is his only villa preserved in its original condition. It was here that Sucharda created the monument to historian František Palacký situated at Palackého Square.

→ Na Zátorce St. → Jaselská St. → Československé armády St. → Bubenečská St. → Ronalda Reagana St.

 9. Otto Petschek Villa
The grand entrance is a gate to an extensive garden surrounding a luxury First Republic (pre-war) villa, designed for Otto Petschek by architect Max Spielmann. Thanks to the business acumen of the Petscheks, a Jewish family originally from the town of Pečky, they became one of the leading European entrepreneurial and banking dynasties in the 19th century; their philanthropic activities were also notable. The villa was exceptional for its time in size (an incredible 148 rooms) and its modern facilities (including a fitness room and underground pool in the style of Roman baths). Since the end of the Second World War, the villa has been the property of the United States and serves as the American ambassador’s residence.

→ Pelléova St. →

10. Lanna Villa
A Neo-Renaissance villa with many spectacular elements; one of the first built in this area back in 1872 as a summer home for renowned industrialist and art collector Vojtěch Lanna. The villa sits along the path that Prague’s elite used to reach their favourite area — the Royal Game Preserve (today Stromovka). Nowadays, the premises are used by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

→ Na Seníku St. → V Sadech St. →

11. Julius Petschek Villa
V Sadech St. leads around the rear of a magnificent villa, until recently quite dilapidated but now newly renovated in Eclectic style, built by Otto Petschek’s uncle, Julius. In 2022, the Museum of Czech Literature opened to the public here in its new premises. Its elegant spaces are now housing an extensive exhibition of Czech literature, an events hall, a literary café, study rooms, and offices.

→ Wolkerova St. →

12. Na Slamníku Pub
The establishment of this pub, located at the intersection of Wolkerova and Gotthardská Streets, was documented as far back as the 17th century and has traditionally served as a public house since that time. The restaurant has successfully maintained its typical pub character despite having been renovated in early 2017. It’s one of the longest continuously operating pubs in Prague, with local regulars still outnumbering the tourists. During the Communist era, “Slamník” was a popular cultural centre for the alternative music scene.

→ Wolkerova St. → Borise Němcova Square →

13. Friedrich Petschek Villa
Continuing straight to the end of Borise Němcova Square on the right-hand side, you’ll find the formal entrance to yet another Petschek villa — today the Embassy of the Russian Federation. The villa, designed in French Baroque style, is once again by Max Spielmann, the Petschek family architect. The huge complex spreads out over one hectare and includes a garden with pond.

14. Neo-Gothic Gate and Governor’s Summer Palace (Místodržitelský letohrádek)
An impressive, romantic mansion towers behind the Neo-Gothic entrance gate at the upper end of Stromovka. The yellow façade, in English Gothic Revival style, dates back to the early 19th century, after the game park opened to the public in 1804. The building’s history, however, extends back to the 15th century; originally a hunting redoubt, it was gradually transformed into its current form, and only the prismatic tower remained. The building is unfortunately inaccessible; its terrace, however, is worth a look — from it, you get a beautiful view of Stromovka, Troja, and the Vltava River valley.Point of Interest: In the right-hand corner of the terrace, you’ll find a unique sundial dating back to 1698. Shaped like a globe, it has a moving metal pointer and a red marble surface marked with the tropic lines and times. To determine the current time, aim the arrow at the sun and move the pointer so that it casts the smallest shadow (the same height as the pointer). Did it work?

→ Mecseryho silnice / Road (named after former Prague Governor Karl Mecsery de Tsoor, who had it built in 1861)

15. Former tram depot
From 1898 to 1937, a small electric tram depot operated at the Royal Game Preserve. Part of the building’s walls was preserved during a modern renovation into the Vozovna Stromovka restaurant.

→ 16 Stromovka → 17 Rudolf’s Water Tunnel (Rudolfova štola) → 18 Šlechta Restaurant → 19 fishponds

16. Stromovka
The Royal Game Preserve (now Stromovka) was founded by Czech King Přemysl Otakar II in the 13th century as a fenced hunting preserve. The complex has undergone many changes over the centuries, the most significant of which took place in the 16th century, when Rudolf II ordered the preserve as well as the now-non-existent lake to be enlarged.

17. Rudolf’s Water Tunnel (Rudolfova štola)
An unassuming doorway marks the end of a 1,100m long water tunnel built in the late 16th century by order of Emperor Rudolf II. Water flowed through it, powered only by gravity, from the Vltava River near Old Town to the pond in Stromovka. This unique technical achievement, ovoid in shape, was bored under Letná Hill at a depth of about 45 m.

18. Former Šlechta Restaurant
The original 17th-century Baroque summer palace was a formal mansion and even witnessed the imperial coronation celebration of Franz I. A restaurant has operated in the historical space since the 1920s. This popular destination is currently being renovated.

19. Fishponds
A kind of “island” was created in the middle of the original “Rudolfine” lake, which later became the only reminder of this former large body of water. Today it’s called Oak Knoll, and thanks to the new lake that was built in 2016, its banks are once again largely surrounded by water.Curiosity: The Royal Game Preserve was closed to the public until the early 19th century — commoners were allowed to enter only on Easter. This changed in 1804 with an imperial decree by Franz I, which opened the preserve to the public.

→ Za Elektrárnou St. → footbridge to Imperial Island (Císařský ostrov) → ferry (year-round) → Povltavská St. → U Trojského zámku St. → 20 Zoo (Zoologická zahrada) bus stop

Tip: If you’ve got enough energy and want to extend your walk, we recommend visiting the Zoo, Troja Chateau or the Botanical Gardens. Both the Zoo and the Botanical Gardens are located on hills which offer impressive views of the city.

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