International Organ Festival

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Basilica of St James

Organ concerts inSt. James Basilica in Prague are famous for their long tradition and the absolutely unique sound of the largest Prague organ. The two-manual organ with a pedal keyboard and 26 stops was completed in 1705 by Abraham Stark of Loket. The organ’s case, which is still admired today, was quite unique in its time. At present the organ has four manuals, 91 speaking stops and 8,277 pipes.


date and time

1. 8. 2024 19:00 Gabriele Agrimonti
8. 8. 2024 19:00 Emmanuel Hocde
15. 8. 2024 19:00 Laura Schlappa
22. 8. 2024 19:00 Eva Bublová
29. 8. 2024 19:00 Konstantin Reymaier
5. 9. 2024 19:00 Irena Chřibková
12. 9. 2024 19:00 Jakob Lorentzen
19. 9. 2024 19:00 Karol Mossakowski
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