Antonín Dvořák: My life and Work


13. 9. 2023—30. 9. 2024 National Museum — Antonín Dvořák Museum

The exhibition held on the occasion of the inscription of the Antonín Dvořák Archive on the UNESCO Memory of the World Register

n May 2023, a selected part of the collection of the National Museum–Antonín Dvořák Museum was registered under the name Antonín Dvořák Archive in the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme Register which safeguards the most important documentary heritage of humanity. Following the addition of the Leoš Janáček Archive in 2018, this marks the second instance of a collection from a Czech music composer being included on this prestigious list.

An archive containing Dvořák’s musical manuscripts, letters, personal documents, non-musical manuscripts, his personal library, iconographic documents, first editions of Dvořák’s compositions, printed documentation, diplomas and honorary memberships has been entried into the Register. A total of 3,500 units were part of the nomination. However, the collection of the Antonín Dvořák Museum contains significantly more objects. As of 2023, the museum oversees a compilation of approximately 9,000 items within its collection.



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